Welcome to The Evangelism Circle

Have you ever wondered why some Christians are so enthusiastic for evangelism and others are not? Why some look for every opportunity to share the gospel while others shy away from it? My website and book are here to help equip Christians to get on The Evangelism Circle. In our pre-evangelism we shine our light while at the same time answer tough questions and defend the faith. In our evangelism, we verbally proclaim the gospel. In our post-evangelism, we train ourselves for godliness, and ground ourselves in the good news of Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Remember that in order for us to make disciples we must become a disciple.

In The Evangelism Circle, we look at how Christians should conduct their lives before the world (Philip. 1:27) as a representative of God (2 Cor. 5:20). There will be an emphasis on how the Bible must be our guide for all teaching, correction, and training in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Different apologetic approaches will be discussed. We define what the gospel is and what it is not, while at the same time examining the critical distinction between justification and sanctification. We discuss what the different biblical approaches are to sharing the gospel and address the unbiblical approaches. Finally, we look at our growth in the Christian faith and how to stay in and finish the race (2 Tim. 4:7).

“The Evangelism Circle is a comprehensive examination of contemporary trends in evangelism. Written with practical illustrations, this book uses a presuppositional perspective to encourage Christians to be faithful in proclaiming the gospel. If you are interested in evangelism, you will benefit from this resource.”

Jesse Johnson, Dean of The Master’s Seminary, Washington, D.C.

“In The Evangelism Circle, you will learn how to define the gospel and then learn how to proclaim the gospel. The body of Christ needs this book like never before.”

Kerby Anderson, President of Probe Ministries International and host of Point of View radio talk show

“Patrick Foss has given the church a valuable resource for its primary purpose of evangelizing those who are perishing. His practical illustrations along with his passion for biblical integrity in evangelism make this a book you will want to read and refer to often!”

Mike Gendron, Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry and author of Preparing for Eternity and Contending for the Gospel

“There are few Christians I’ve ever known who have greater zeal for the gospel of Jesus Christ or greater compassion for lost sinners than Patrick Foss. I pray that The Evangelism Circle will be read widely and will motivate Christians around the world to share the good news of Jesus even more boldly and effectively!”

Janet Mefferd, Christian radio host, Janet Mefferd Today

Video Description of Book